


We are Blipcom

We focus on Financial technologies, computer vision, software development, and other digital product that help your business.

BLIPCOM focus on building your technology to help streamline your business. We help clients maximize the return from their IT investment using a combination of business domain knowledge and the ability to implement and support proven technical solutions.

A Strong Track Record

We helping companies maintain 99% systems up-time, minimising I.T. headaches, and keeping I.T. operations running effectively and efficiently.

Latest Technology

Access to the latest technology through partnerships with the world's leading providers of I.T. hardware and software.

Help You to Succeed

We harnessing the power of technology to reduce costs and increase revenue. We organise all our services to complement your business model.

Predictable Budgeting

We give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your IT systems are running like clockwork without the need to call in expensive technicians to fix every issue.

A Proactive and Preventative Approach

Like having round-the-clock support whenever you need it. We want to prevent emergencies by troubleshooting and always providing a 'Plan B'.

One Stop Service

We handle almost every I.T. need. A 'one stop shop' so you only have to work with one I.T. company cutting costs and making I.T. easier